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Oil&Gas Construction

royal group > Oil&Gas Construction

Welcome to ROYAL GROUP! We are a team driven by passion and innovation, providing turnkey fuel-station solutions.

Our experienced staff has the expertise to design and build gas stations that meet the highest standards.

We are proud to offer high-quality materials and meticulous workmanship.

Our team of professionals has the experience to make sure each gas station we build is the best it can be.

Our goal is to exceed expectations and provide top-notch service to all our customers.

At Royal Group, we take great pride in our work and strive to provide the highest quality solutions for our customers.

We look forward to working with you and helping you create the perfect fuel station! 







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 İn our group companies 20 years of experience and specialist company leader in the Oil and Gas industry.

 Our expertise and commitment to excellence have enabled us to provide our clients with reliable turnkey systems                               integration projects,

 allowing them to move forward quickly and efficiently on their construction and development of refinery projects

 At ROYAL GROUP, we specialize in processing and constructing petroleum, oil, and gas refineries        

 Our team of professionals is dedicated to creating tailor-made solutions that meet each customer’s specific needs.

 We understand that each customer is unique and needs customized services that can reduce risk and provide access to the           lowest prices in international markets.

 With projects completed in Turkey and Iraq, ROYAL GROUP is the go-to for turnkey systems integration in the oil and gas                   industry.

 We are passionate about helping our customers succeed and grow their businesses.







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  قصر زكي باشا الذي يقع في منطقة روملي هيسار على الجانب الاوروبي من البوسفور .والذي صمم بواسطة المهندس المعماري الفرنسي الكسندر فالوري الذي قام ببناء قصر بيرة الشهير في اسطنبول .                  المشير زكي باشا الذي شغل منصب وزير الدفاع في فترة السلطان عبد الحميد الثاتي . هذا القصر الذي يبلغ من  العمر 130 عامًا على الطراز الباروكي هو واحد من أروع القصور الساحلية في مضيق البوسفور مع طوابقه الخمسة المترابطة ، ومساحة داخلية إجمالية تبلغ 2.500 متر مربع ، وحديقة بمساحة  4000 متر مربع، ورصيف بطول 110 مترًا. 4.5 متر ارتفاع السقف. يتكون من 23 غرفة + 4 صالات و 8 حمامات ، مع مصعد به موقف سيارات داخلي مناسب للتوسيع لـ 4 سيارات. قصر زكي باشا هو مبنى قديم يعتبر من الدرجة الثانية من الاثار.هذا المبنى هو من بين أغلى 10 منازل في العالم. هو أغلى قصر في تركيا وهو القصر الوحيد ذو التطوير السياحي في اسطنبول , ومنذ تاريخ بنائه تم إضافة خط غاز طبيعي ومصعد فقط ولم يتم إضافة أي تعديلات أخرى , كما يوجد فيه ميناء خاص له وهو القصر الوحيد ذو هذه الميزة في البسفور ايضا وهو الوحيد الذي لديه رخصة سياحية ممكن تحويله الى متحف او فندق 

كما فيه ميزة معمارية فريدة ايضا بالرغم من أن القصر تحت الجسر ، الا انه لا يوجد اي مشاكل من حيث الضوضاء بفضل تصميمه المعماري الخاص  . وأثناء بناء الجسر تزامنت وجود احد اعمدة  الجسر مع القصر ، وتم تغيير مشروع الجسر من قبل الدولة من أجل تجنب أي ضرر لهذا القصر.  ميزةً أخرى عملت خصيصا ليخت زكي باشا حيث كان له يخت بطول 15 مترًا وصمم له ميناء خاص بالقصر وهو ايضا فريد من نوعه في مضيق  البوسفور

 شركتنا لديها التفويض اللازم لتسويق وبيع هذا القصر






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The  Palace of Zeki pasha in Rumeli Hisar the European side. It was designed by French architect Alexandre Vallaury. It was made for Marshal Zeki Pasha, one of the ministers of the Abd al-Hamid period. This 130-year-old Baroque-style mansion is one of the most magnificent coastal mansions in the Bosphorus with its 5 interconnecting floors, a total interior area of ​​2.500 square meters, a 4-acre garden, and a 110-meter dock. 4.5 meters ceiling height. It consists of 23 rooms + 4 halls and 8 bathrooms, the palace with an elevator has an indoor car park suitable for expansion for 4 cars. Zeki Pasha Palace is an old second-class building. This building is among the 10 most expensive homes in the world. It is the costliest building in Turkey and is the only palace with tourism development in Istanbul with a stake in the sea since its construction, a natural gas line and elevator have been added only and no other additions have been made. It has its port and is the only palace with this advantage in Bosphorus

Also, he is the only one with a tourist license that can be converted into a museum or hotel

Construction was built by architect Alexander who built a beer palace in Istanbul.

It also has a unique architectural advantage, although the palace is under the bridge, there is no problem with the sound thanks to its architectural design for noise reduction. It is a special design. During the construction of the bridge, the existence of one of the pillars of the bridge coincided with the palace, and the bridge project was changed by the state to avoid any damage to the palace. Another feature that worked specifically for the yacht of  Zeki Pasha, which had a 15-meter yacht that designed its port for the palace and is also unique in the Bosphorus Strait. 






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Innovation is at the heart of the technology industry. Whether it’s artificial intelligence, quantum computing, or autonomous vehicles, tech giants and startups are constantly pushing the boundaries of what’s possible.
But with so many businesses dedicating resources to research and development, who are making the most breakthroughs, and who’s falling behind?
our reputation in Innovative Technology is built on bringing breakthrough developments to market ahead of the competition. We are committed to maintaining our position in the market and increasing our product range by investing in research and development.                The ROYAL GROUP is committed to its global expansion and will continue to establish offices and extend our network of trading partners in new regions and countries to provide more significant support to customers worldwide.
Our existing markets provide significant opportunities for future growth. We will continue investing in the technology, infrastructure, and people required to increase our share of the Innovative Technology market sectors.
Continuous and faster innovation will ensure we maintain a leading position in these markets, broaden our products and partners portfolio and increase our customer base across the globe.     



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International & Trade & Investment

This is the official website for ROYAL GROUP iti a multi trade company with many trade functions. At this Site, You can find the different Services and Merchandise We offer to Corporations and many sectors of Businesses. Via our Crew Consultant and our alliance with reputable international companies, we help your business to grow and expand and we help industries to innovate and grow.


We are a friendly partner that can be an asset and added value to Your business, WE at ROYAL GROUP iti provide a global solution to many business Sectors to save them the time and money, Our extensive resources in the global trade, Give us the ability to trade with confidence between the global and Turkish market.

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      Our Partners

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International & Trade & Investment




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      Our Partners

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Royal Group ile temiz enerjide son teknoloji ile dünyamızı kurtaralım


Emlak & İnşaat


International & Trade & Investment

Birçok farklı sektörde faaliyet gösteren ROYAL GROUP resmi web sitesidir. Bu Sitede, Şirketlere birçok farklı sektöre yönelik sunduğumuz farklı Hizmet ve ürünleri bulabilirsiniz.


Danışmanlarımız ve saygın uluslararası şirketlerle olan işbirlikteliklerimiz aracılığıyla işinizin büyümesine, genişlemesine ve işinize yönelik inovasyon yapmanıza yardımcı oluyoruz.


Siz değerli müşterilerimizi iş ortağı olarak değerlendiriyor, işinize değer katıyoruz. Royalgroup iti olarak birçok farklı sektöre yönelik işletmenize değer katan, zaman ve para kazandıran evrensel çözümler sunuyoruz.

Bizimle Büyüyün

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Dünya Çapında Distribütörler Arıyoruz

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Dünya Çapında Distribütörler Arıyoruz

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Dünya Çapında Distribütörler Arıyoruz

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Farklı Sektör






Tamamlanan Proje



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ROYAL GROUP, petrol yapımı ve donatımı konusunda uzmanlaşmış birçok şirketi bünyesinde barındırmaktadır.

Petrol ve gaz rafinerileri ile Türkiye içinde ve dışında uygulanan birçok projeye sahiptir.

Benzin istasyonları yapımında da uzmanlaşmış firmalar var.

Bu alana kendini adamış büyük uluslararası şirketler tarafından onaylanmış bir şirkettir; KÜP & TOPLAM

Ve Türkiye içinde ve dışında Petrol projelerini uygulamaya hazırdır.







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Biz Dünya Çapında Emtialar ve satın alma uzmanlarıyız.


Ürünlerimiz ve hizmetlerimiz, kaynak bulma, işleme, depolama ve nakliyeden, çok çeşitli temel gıda ürünlerinin ticaretine ve pazarlamasına kadar uzanmaktadır.




Mallar detaylandırılmıştır




• Tarım – Emtialar – Şeker – Buğday – Pirinç – Kahve – Yenilebilir Hububatlar ve Farklılaştırılmış Yüksek Kaliteli Tahıllar

• Tarım Dışı – Emtialar – Tıbbi, Cerrahi Ekipman ve Aletler (neşter, küret, cerrahi dikiş, şırınga,                                                                 spekulum, tıbbi eldiven ve gazlı bez),

  İnşaat ve İnşaat Malzemeleri yani çimento, çelik, boya, boru, seramik, metal, kil , Fayans, Kapı, Sac, Tuvalet, Jakuzi vb. demir  kütükler

• Kumaş malzemeleri ve Makineler gibi modaya uygun ürünler; Bunlar, tarım traktörleri ve çimento klinkerlerinden su şişeleme tesisleri gibi hafif üretim tesislerine kadar uzanan tarım makinelerini içerir.





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Projenizi finanse etmek için doğru çözüm bizde.



Finansman gereksinimleriniz ne olursa olsun size yardımcı olmaktan memnuniyet duyarız.

Bankalar veya finans kuruluşları tarafından reddedildiyseniz, size yardımcı olabiliriz.

Proje finansörleri olarak, ihtiyacınız olan finansmanı sağlamak için yaratıcı çözümler kullanmaktan gurur duyuyoruz.

ROYAL GROUP, çok sayıda ulusal ve uluslararası yatırımcı, avukat, banka, finans kuruluşu ve sigorta şirketi ile irili ufaklı birçok Proje Sahibi ile çalışma ayrıcalığına sahip olmuştur.




• 20 milyonluk Proje Finansmanı aralığı – NO limiti

• Basit ve Hızlı Finansman Süreci

Sıfır Faiz Ödemesi

• Seçtiğiniz 5/10/15 yıllık ödeme

• ROYAL GROUP, krediniz için doğru Garantiyi sağlayabilir!



ihtiyacınız olan cevap burada ve tek ihtiyacınız olan bizimle iletişime geçmek




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ROYAL İnşaat birçok büyük inşaat firması ile ortak olarak başlamıştır.
Yıllar boyunca, bu şirketlerden oluşan grup, birçok zorlu projeyi üstlendi ve tasarım ve inşaat çözümleri,
proje yönetimi hizmetleri, inşaat işleri ve ilgili mühendislik işlerinde beceri, teknik bilgi ve deneyim biriktirdi.
Bugün, ROYAL İnşaat, küçük ve MEGA boyutlu projelerde ana yüklenici rolünü üstlenmekte ve endüstriyel/ticari projeler için
uzman alım satımlarını koordine etmek üzere proje yönetim hizmetleri sunmaktadır. Ayrıca müşterilerimize katma değerli hizmetler olarak tasarım girdileri ve mühendislik çözümleri sunuyoruz.
Amacımız, projelerini yürütmemiz için seçildiğimizde müşterilerimize “eminim” deneyimi sağlamaktır.
Açık iletişim ve takip prosedürlerine verdiğimiz önem, müşterinin hedeflerinin tüm süreçlerimizin planlanmasında ve,
yürütülmesinde en yüksek önceliğe sahip olmasını sağlar.



Proje yönetimi ve uygulama felsefemiz: 




  • müşterinin proje hedefini karşılamak için ayrıntılı bir program ve kaynak planı oluşturmak,
  • tüm proje paydaşlarıyla net bir şekilde iletişim kurmak,
  • proje ilerlemesini takip edin ve sapmalara ince ayar yapın,
  • Yapılan işin kalitesini yakından denetlemek,
  • projeyi zamanında tamamlayıp devreye almak.



Teslimatımızla gurur duyuyoruz; böylece müşterilerimiz her zaman yalnızca en deneyimli ve kalifiye kişilerin kendilerine hizmet verdiğinden emin olabilirler.





Her zaman beklentilerin ötesinde hizmet veren saygın bir inşaat müteahhidi olmak.




Projeleri rekabetçi fiyatlarla satın almak, güvenli çalışma koşulları sağlamak ve kaliteli işi makul bir süre içinde teslim etmek.


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Royal Group is a leading oil and gas construction and development company that provides clients with quality services and solutions.
Our commitment to quality and customer service has enabled us to develop expertise in engineering and construction. From concept development to final implementation.



At Royal Group, we believe that quality and customer service come first. We are dedicated to providing our clients with the best possible experience by delivering reliable and cost-effective services and solutions. With years of experience and a team of highly skilled professionals, Royal Group is the partner you can trust for all your oil and gas construction and development needs.








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Millions of conversations happen across the globe, on screens, on devices & on the move. So, it’s important nothing gets lost in translation. The ipedia iQ products give greater clarity to every conversation, enabling you to converse effortlessly using intelligent technology to break down language barriers when you are traveling, learning, or conducting business.


ipedia iQ Buds and Arcs come fully loaded with integrated real-time speech translation in 35 languages and your preferred smart assistant (google or Siri). They also incorporate the latest Bluetooth connectivity, multiple crystal-clear microphones, and HD audio, offering you more freedom and bringing incredible clarity to your conversations and music. They’re the all-in-one choice for everything you need.






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ICU Smart Glasses is an innovative technology company based in the UK, serving business distributors worldwide. We are the market leader in emotional intelligence detection and body language analysis.


Our mission is to provide a comprehensive guide to reading facial expressions and body language, moving to higher social and professional success levels.




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Forsina focuses on education as the root of solid healthcare systems.

The goal is to make medical subjects easy to teach, easy to study, and have the materials accessible anytime, anywhere.


















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We are global Commodities and procurement experts.


Our products and services range from sourcing, processing, storage, and shipping to trading and marketing a wide spectrum of essential food commodities


The commodities are detailed out into

Agri – Commodities– Sugar– Wheat– Rice– Coffee – edible Grains and differentiated high-quality Cereals

Non-Agri – Commodities – Medical, Surgical Equipment & Instruments (scalpel, curette,  surgical suture, syringe, speculum, medical glove, and gauze), Building and Construction Materials namely cement, steel, paint, pipes, ceramics, metal, clay, tiles, doors, iron sheets,                                                                            toiletries, Jacuzzis, etc. iron billets
                                                                         • Fashionable commodities like Fabric materials and Machinery; These include farm                                                                                        machines  ranging from farm  tractors, and cement clinkers to light manufacturing plants                                                                              like  water bottling plants, etc.




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We have the right solution to finance your project.


We will be pleased to assist you no matter what your funding requirements are. If you have been turned down by banks or financial institutions, we can help. As project financiers, we pride ourselves on using creative solutions to provide the funding you need.

ROYAL GROUP has had the privilege of working with numerous national and international investors, attorneys, banks, financial institutions, and insurance companies as well as many large and small Project Owners. 


                                                                   • Project Funding range of 20 million to NO limit
                                                                   • Simple and Fast Funding Process
                                                                   • Zero-Interest Payment
                                                                   • Payment over 5/10/15 years of your choice
                                                                   • ROYAL GROUP can provide the right Guarantee for your loan!



                                                                   The answers you need are here and all you need is to contact us.


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Innovation is at the heart of the technology industry. Whether it’s artificial intelligence, quantum computing, or autonomous vehicles, tech giants and startups are constantly pushing the boundaries of what’s possible.
But with so many businesses dedicating resources to research and development, who are making the most breakthroughs, and who’s falling behind?
our reputation in Innovative Technology is built on bringing breakthrough developments to market ahead of the competition. We are committed to maintaining our position in the market and increasing our product range by investing in research and development.                The ROYAL GROUP is committed to its global expansion and will continue to establish offices and extend our network of trading partners in new regions and countries to provide more significant support to customers worldwide.
Our existing markets provide significant opportunities for future growth. We will continue investing in the technology, infrastructure, and people required to increase our share of the Innovative Technology market sectors.
Continuous and faster innovation will ensure we maintain a leading position in these markets, broaden our products and partners portfolio and increase our customer base across the globe.     




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ROYAL Construction began as a partner with many big construction companies.  Over the years, the group of these companies has undertaken many challenging projects and accumulated skills, know-how, and experiences in design and build solutions, project management services, building trades, and related engineering work.

Today, ROYAL Construction takes on the role of the main contractor from small to MEGA-size projects and performs project management services to coordinate specialist trades for industrial/commercial projects.

We also provide design inputs and engineering solutions as value-add services to our clients.

Our objective is to provide our clients with an “I am assured” experience when we are chosen to execute their projects. Our emphasis on clear communication and follow-through procedures ensures that the client’s objectives are the top priority in the planning and execution of all our processes.


Our project management and execution philosophy are:


  • create a detailed schedule and resources plan to meet the client’s project objective,
  • communicate clearly with all project stakeholders,
  • track project progress and fine-tune deviations,
  • supervise closely on quality of work done,
  • complete and commission the project on time.



    We take pride in our delivery; thus, our clients can always be assured that only the most experienced and qualified people are serving them, all the time.


Our Vision:


To be a respectable building contractor delivering beyond expectation, always.


Our Mission:


To procure projects at competitive pricing, provide safe working conditions and deliver quality work within a reasonable time frame.





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Royal LED

7-5W LED Bulb

Power: 7-5W Equivalent: 50W Lumens: 480LM Light Color: Daylight/warm white Light Temp: daylight 5000K/ warm white 2700

9W Led Buld

Power: 9W Equivalent: 60W Lumens: 806LM Light Color: Daylight/warm white Light Temp: daylight 5000K/ warm white 2700


Power: 12W Equivalent: 100W Lumens: 1080LM Light Color: Daylight/warm white Light Temp: daylight 5000K/ warm white 2700

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Contact Us

You can fill in the form below or use our phone numbers to contact us.






    Viaport Venezia Residence

    Karadeniz Mah. Eski Edirne Asfaltı No:408 G1 Block Room: 84, 34250 Gaziosmanpaşa/İstanbul

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    Forsina MVR



     Virtual Reality is an immersive 3D experience that takes you beyond the boundaries of the two-dimensional world. It makes you part of scenarios that are more memorable than anything you have experienced before. 

     Our Virtual Reality platform is a breakthrough in the study of human anatomy. It comes with a wide range of content and collaborative tools that enable users of all levels to interact with the human body in 3D models and indulge the senses in a mind-blowing learning experience.

     Using our platform allows you to create your own anatomy lab with customized scenarios. You can construct any layout of the Human Body System in 3D, including the Vascular System, Lymphatic System, Nervous System, Respiratory System, and Musculoskeletal System. With interactive tools, you can assemble or disassemble any system, highlight or hide any organ, and go beyond the physical limits and step inside the virtual organs.

     Whether you are a student, physician, or decision maker, this platform will empower and provide you with an excellent foundation for your medical studies and diagnoses. 

     Our platform is designed to help users learn faster and better. It improves student engagement, memory retention, and decision-making ability. 

     We invite you to step inside and explore the human body in a one-of-kind experience that you’ve never had before!








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    Forsina MDA


    Our visually stunning 3D Desktop Human Body Application allows you to illustrate interactively any of the human body system in 3D: Vascular System, Digestive System, Lymphatic System, Nervous System, Respiratory System, and Musculoskeletal System. Using our built-in comprehensive tools, you can isolate a single or multiple structures, layers, or organs and compare them with others. With the detailed, anatomical information, you will have a thorough understanding of each body structure.


    Forsina’s MDA  is user-friendly features and extensive medical content and database can take part in global science projects and enhance learning in: Anatomy of Body Systems, Pathology of Diseases, Pharmacology, Extensive and Intensive Information Gathering, Processing Criteria, and Implantation Methods and Uses.






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    Forsina CT-VR


    Medical imaging refers to several different technologies that are used to view the interior of a human body in order to diagnose, monitor, or treat medical conditions. Imaging techniques provide anatomical and physiological details of the human body at very high spatial and temporal resolution.


    Computed tomography (CT) is one of the most popular medical imaging techniques and has been proven as a valuable medical diagnostic tool. Realizing the great importance of this medical imaging technique, Forsina has conducted its own full CT imaging of an adult male human and used the output in two software, CT-VR and CT-DA.


    CT-VR, or CT Virtual Reality Application, is an application containing a full CT scan reconstructed into a 3D visualization, projected in a VR simulation. It provides a set of tools for exploration and editing. It runs on HMD VR systems and it utilizes the VR hand controller as input devices.







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    Forsina CT- DA


    Medical imaging refers to several different technologies that are used to view the interior of a human body in order to diagnose, monitor, or treat medical conditions. Imaging techniques provide anatomical and physiological details of the human body at very high spatial and temporal resolution.


    Computed tomography (CT) is one of the most popular medical imaging techniques and has been proven as a valuable medical diagnostic tool. Realizing the great importance of this medical imaging technique, Forsina has conducted its own full CT imaging of an adult male human and used the output in two software, CT-DA and CT-VR.


    CT-DA, or CT Desktop Application, offers a reconstruction of CT scans into a 3D visualization with a set of interactivity tools. The application displays the 3D model for the user on a computer monitor, with the mouse and keyboards as input devices.







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    Yenilenebilir kaynaklar, Royal Group’un üretim kapasitesinin önemli bir parçasıdır. Güneş ışınlarını ve rüzgar enerjisini kullanılabilir enerjiye dönüştürmekteyiz. Amacımız, bu yenilenebilir temiz enerji kaynağının kendi enerjisine yaptığı katkıyı arttırmak için araştırmadan üretime, tesisattan, değer zincirindeki her bağlantıya doğrudan hareket ederek gerekli olanı yapmaktır.


    Enerji Kataloğu


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    Royal Group is the leading manufacturer, exporter and supplier of different types of tents that are used for various purposes.



    What we do?


    -Architectural Design

    -Steel & Membrane Engineering 

    -Production & Assembly

    -Engineering Consulting Services                                                                                                                      Tent Catalogue





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    Royal Group is a reliable and consistent partner throughout the complete turnkey process. Whether the project is creating

    a new facility or updating a current shop, our company has the experience and expertise to see a project through to its

    successful realization.

    To find out how Royal Groups’ turnkey solutions will benefit your facility, please contact us.





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    Forsina is a leading company in medical virtual reality technology. Offering solutions to the market of healthcare practice and education.

    ROYAL Group as a distributor of Forsina, handle marketing, sales and customer support.



    Medical Virtual Reality Brochure






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    Royal Group has broadest portfolio in the field of electricity meter in Turkey.








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    Royal Group is a global leader in the promotion, construction, operation and maintenance of wind facilities.







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    Biomass is fuel that is developed from organic materials, a renewable and sustainable source of energy used to create electricity or other forms of power.




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    As Royal Group; we develop, construct, operate and maintain high-performing utility scale solar farms; using ground mount solar PV, providing a complete turnkey solutions for investors.Solar PV is particularly well suited to environments and business where electricity by is needed during daylight hours. With a life expectancy of 25 years or more, the panels require little maintenance, so you can guarantee generating clean and sustainable power of your business year after year.





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    Royal Group olarak, yüksek performanslı güneş enerji çiftliklerini zemine monte güneş panelleri kullanarak geliştirir, inşa

    eder, işletir, bakımını yapar ve yatırımcılar için eksiksiz bir şekilde anahtar teslim çözümler sunarız.




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    Royal Group, rüzgar tesislerinin tanıtımı, inşası, işletilmesi ve bakımı konusunda uzman bir şirkettir.





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    Biyokütle, elektrik ya da diğer güç biçimlerini oluşturmak için kullanılan yenilenebilir ve sürdürülebilir bir enerji kaynağı

    olan organik malzemelerden geliştirilen yakıttır.






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    İnovasyon, teknoloji endüstrisinin kalbinde yer almaktadır. Yapay zeka, kuantum hesaplama veya otonom araçlar olsun, teknoloji devleri ve yeni başlayanlar sürekli olarak mümkün olanın sınırlarını zorluyor.
    Ancak, araştırma ve geliştirmeye kaynak ayıran bu kadar çok işletme varken, en fazla atılımı kim yapıyor ve kim geride kalıyor?
    Yenilikçi Teknolojideki itibarımız, çığır açan gelişmeleri pazara rekabetin önünde getirmek üzerine kuruludur.


    Araştırma ve geliştirmeye yatırım yaparak pazardaki konumumuzu korumayı ve ürün yelpazemizi artırmayı taahhüt ediyoruz.
    ROYAL GROUP, küresel genişlemesine kararlıdır ve dünya çapındaki müşterilere daha önemli destek sağlamak için yeni bölge ve ülkelerde ofisler kurmaya ve ticaret ortakları ağımızı genişletmeye devam edecektir.
    Mevcut pazarlarımız gelecekteki büyüme için önemli fırsatlar sunuyor. Yenilikçi Teknoloji pazar sektörlerindeki payımızı artırmak için gereken teknolojiye, altyapıya ve insanlara yatırım yapmaya devam edeceğiz.
    Sürekli ve daha hızlı inovasyon, bu pazarlarda lider konumumuzu korumamızı, ürünlerimizi ve ortak portföyümüzü genişletmemizi ve dünya genelinde müşteri tabanımızı artırmamızı sağlayacaktır.  



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    As Royalgroup we are providing security systems for several years. We are designing, installing high-tech camera systems for border security, building security and zone security. We are working with last high-tech devices and making the project plan with our long year experienced engineer teams. For all the projects we are first making the demand analysis and regarding the analysis we are making the special project plan. All projects have their own special conditions. Our strength is coming from our experienced human resources. 

    Camera Catalog

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    Rpg Shield

    This product used together with Composite Armor Blocks, is a caged structure and it was developed in 2012  for the defense of base zones against RPG threats. This product can be positioned quickly because of its modular structure and it can be changed where and when necessary.

    Armor Blocks

    Composite Armor Block,  for increasing the protection of base zones in several locations of Turkey, is especially designed for medium caliber munitions such as 14.5 mm. This product provides superior protection against threats, which arise from light weapons, shrapnel and high explosives and it has a multipurpose use characteristic. Armor block is one of the products developed for Force Protection System and because of its modular structure, it can be easily installed and changed quickly where and when necessary. The product has a high strength composite protection block containing various special materials, and it was designed and qualified in 2012. In the same year, deliveries were made to the Turkish Armed Forces. 

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    HIZIR 4×4 Tactical Wheeled Armoured Vehicle

    HIZIR 4×4 Tactical Wheeled Armoured Vehicle is designed and optimised for high performance under extreme operational conditions at rural and urban areas for 9 personnel. Vehicle has high level of ballistic and mine protection. It is agile, dynamic, versatile, low maintenance and easy care platform for various configurations such as combat vehicle, command control vehicle, CBRN vehicle, weapon carrier (easy integration of various weapon systems), ambulance vehicle, border security vehicle, reconnaissance vehicle.

    KHAN 4×4 Armoured Personnel Carrier

    KHAN is 4×4 armoured security vehicle with 8 crew capacity. Monocoque armor steel hull with high level ballistic protection is built on fast, dynamic, versatile, easy care, low maintenance Toyota Land Cruiser chassis. Khan satisfies interior security forces requirements for any kind of climate conditions.

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    As Royal Group we are in Defense sector for several years as Solution Provider&Installer for Local and International projects. We are cooperating with the best producers in this sector. We are making the Project plan regarding our partners products with our Professional Design&Engineering teams. Our products which we are using have the highest technology in the World.  Also some of the products developed by our partners experienced teams. We are glad to achieve great customer satisfaction so far and we will be our customers long term partner for future with always new technology. 

    Security Systems

    Rpg Shields

    Armor Blocks

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    Yenilenebilir kaynaklar, Royal Group’un üretim kapasitesinin önemli bir parçasıdır. Güneş ışınlarını ve rüzgar enerjisini kullanılabilir enerjiye dönüştürmekteyiz. Amacımız, bu yenilenebilir temiz enerji kaynağının kendi enerjisine yaptığı katkıyı arttırmak için araştırmadan üretime, tesisattan, değer zincirindeki her bağlantıya doğrudan hareket ederek gerekli olanı yapmaktır.







    Müşterilerimize 7 milyon ila 500 milyon dolar arasında değişen enerji projeleri için finansman Çözümleri sağlayabiliriz.






     Çok çeşitli enerji sektörlerinde çalışıyoruz:


    1. Güneş projeleri
    2. Rüzgar projeleri
    3. Biyoyakıt ve biyodizel projeleri
    4. Hidro Enerji projeleri
    5. Atıktan Enerjiye Projeler
    6. Petrol ve Gaz projeleri
    7. Biyokütle projeleri
    8. jeotermal projeler



    Beraber çalışalım!

    ROYAL GROUP’tan Eşsiz Enerji Sektörü Projenize Özel Finansman Çözümü Alın.


    Royal Group Enerji Kataloğu



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    Renewable sources are an important part of the Royal Group’s generation capacity. We turn sunshine and wind into energy. Our aim is to do whatever it takes to increase the contribution made by this renewable clean energy source to its own energy mix by acting directly at every link in the value chain, from research through manufacture to installation.


    We can provide our clients with funding Solutions for their energy projects that range between $7 million to $500 million.


    We work in a wide range of energy sectors:

    • Solar projects
    • Wind projects
    • Biofuel & biodiesel projects
    • Hydro Power projects
    • Waste-to-Energy projects
    • Oil & Gas projects
    • Biomass projects
    • Geothermal projects

    Let’s Work Together!

    Get A Funding Solution From ROYAL GROUP That Is Tailored to Your Unique Energy Sector Project.





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    Uluslararası Değerlendirmedeki Hizmetlerimiz

    Garimenkul Değerlendirmesi

    Pazar Araştırması

    Gayrimenkul Mevzuat Danışmanlığı

    Proje Yönetimi Danışmanlığı

    Yasal, Finansal ve Bilimsel Danışmanlık

    Makine ve Ekipman Değerleri

    Yatırım Projeleri Fayda Analizi

    Kentsel Dönüşüm Danışmanlığı

    İhale Değer Analizi

    Taşımacılık Değerleri

    Şirket Varlıklarının Değerlendirilmesi

    Gayrimenkul Geliştirme Danışmanlığı

    En iyi Kullanım Analizi

    Kiralama Algılama

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    Our  VALUATION Services of International Quality















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    Türkiyedeki en büyük fabrika ve kuruluşlarla ortaklıklar ve acentelerimizle imalat sektöründeki hizmetlerimizi ve ürünümüzü üretebiliyoruz ve aşağıda belirtilen makinelerde üretim hatları ile ilgili her türlü çözüm, hizmet, danışmanlık, destek ve bakımı sağlamak üzere profesyonel kadromuzla hizmet vermekteyiz.
    Ağır iş makineleri
    Gıda hazırlama endüstrisi makineleri
    Tekstil ve kumaş makineleri
    PE-PP-PVC Enjeksiyon Makinaları
    Yüksek teknoloji tıbbi ekipman ve hastaneler
    Yol yapım ve hazırlama makineleri
    Tarım makineleri
    Taş-Mermer-Seramik-Tuğla makineleri
    Tırnak ve kablo makineleri


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    Contact Us

    You can fill in the form below or use our phone numbers to contact us.






      Viaport Venezia Residence

      Karadeniz Mah. Eski Edirne Asfaltı No:408 G1 Block Room: 84, 34250 Gaziosmanpaşa/İstanbul

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      Bizimle iletişime geçmek için aşağıdaki formu doldurabilir veya telefon numaralarımızı kullanabilirsiniz.






        Viaport Venezia Residence

        Karadeniz Mah. Eski Edirne Asfaltı No:408 G1 Block Room: 84, 34250 Gaziosmanpaşa/İstanbul

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        ROYAL GROUP started its activities in 1975, where it was its principal activity in trade and energy. By that time ROYAL GROUP had expanded its activities in different sectors such as technology, construction, and international trade. ROYAL GROUP was established in Istanbul to deliver solutions for industrial plants; due to rapid growth and successful project delivery experience, currently, it has grown up into a group of companies in multi sectors as partners in projects. Our strategic plan is to have some business partners in several countries to make our world more modern and our life more green&friendly.


         We believe our new generation should have a chance to live in luxury and peace.                               


        we are a group of 9 companies under the umbrella of the ROYAL GROUP. We are active in multiple integrated fields which gives us the ability to manage mega government and private projects with high efficiency and on time. Due to the joint management and direct coordination between the group of our companies.
        this cooperation gives our group the ability to grow and expand safety among international markets and add more value to all companies of our group.

        İnternational Trade

        Security systems



        Real Estate and Projects

        Fuel and Gas



        Software & IT

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        ROYAL GROUP faaliyetlerine 1975 yılında başladı ve ticaret , enerji alanında temel faaliyet olarak yer alıyordu. ROYAL GROUP o zamana kadar faaliyetlerini teknoloji, inşaat ve uluslararası ticaret gibi farklı sektörlerde genişletmiştir. ROYAL GROUP, endüstriyel tesisler için çözümler sunmak amacıyla İstanbul’da kurulmuş; hızlı büyümesi ve başarılı proje teslim tecrübesi sayesinde, şu anda projelerde ortak olarak çok sektörlü bir şirketler grubuna dönüşmüştür. Stratejik planımız, dünyamızı daha modern ve yaşamımızı daha yeşil ve dostça kılmak için birkaç ülkede bazı iş ortaklarına sahip olmaktır. Yeni neslimizin lüks ve huzur içinde yaşama şansına sahip olması gerektiğine inanıyoruz.


        Faaliyet Alanlarımız


        ROYAL GROUP çatısı altında 9 şirketten oluşan bir grubuz. Bize mega devlet ve özel projeleri yüksek verimlilikle ve zamanında yönetme yeteneği veren birden fazla entegre alanda faaliyet gösteriyoruz. Grup şirketlerimiz arasındaki ortak yönetim ve doğrudan koordinasyon nedeniyle. bu ortak işbirliği, grubumuza büyüme ve uluslararası pazarlarda güvenliği artırma ve grubumuzun tüm şirketlerine daha fazla değer katma yeteneği verir.




        Yakıt & Gaz

        Uluslar Arası Ticaret

        Proje ve Emlak

        Yazılım & Bilişim




        Güvenlik Sistemleri

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